Beauté Pacifique


Sale price€60.00
  • Fights dark eye zones - when caused by transparency of the skin
  • Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
  • Makes the skin more robust and protects against the action of free radicals
Volume:15 ml Dispenser
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Regenerating A-vitamin eye cream, 15 ml

Beauté Pacifique Vitamin-A Eye Creme Reduces fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes caused by thin and transparent skin. Improves the elasticity of the skin of the eye area, restores the deep structure of the skin and protects against the effects of free radicals. Reduces the formation of pigmentation.

Two types of vitamin A esters, encapsulated in natural Squalane oil, are delivered to the deepest layers of the skin by Beauté Pacifique's patented delivery system, which serves as a vehicle to deliver vitamins through the skin barrier.

As a result of the action of active ingredients, the structure of collagen fibers is stimulated, it becomes denser and better organized, similar to younger skin. The skin becomes thicker and its transparency decreases. This eye cream gives everyone a visible improvement in the quality of their skin.

Main Ingredients

2. Squalane is an oil naturally occurring in human skin and is an important part of the lipid system. Its penetration capacity is remarkably high. Nanometer droplets of squalane function as effective “transporters” for the A Vitamins and other oil soluble active ingredients. Young and healthy skin contains a high amount of squalane but the level will decrease dramatically with age. Therefore squalane is absorbed excellently into sun damaged and aged skin. A lack of squalane within the skin can lead to premature aging, very dry skin and a loss of elasticity. Areas of constantly exposed, dry and prematurely aged skin such as on the hands, elbows, heals and knees etc become incredibly soft immediately when squalane is applied in the right formulation.

8. Glycerin is one of the very best and most widely used humectants (moisturizers). It penetrates easily into the epidermis and makes the skin soft and subtle. This vegetable glycerine can without problems be applied to very sensitive skin types. It provides lubrication and leaves the skin soft and silky smooth. It is extremely comforting to very dry skin types.

17. Tocopheryl Acetate is a type of Vitamin E that plays an important role by protecting both the skin and the products against harmful free radicals.

18. Retinyl Palmitate is a particularly stable form of Vitamin A that we have formulated into our cremes, in a way to maintain its high potency – both during storage and on application to the skin. Encapsulated in nanometer sized droplets of squalane, the Vitamin A can penetrate deep into the skin in sufficient amounts to stimulate the type of cells, that synthesise lost collagen fibre structures providing a younger skin. Wrinkles and fine line diminish and throughout the complete structure of the skin it is significantly rejuvenated. Made prossible via our patented combination with squalane that functions as an effective delivery system penetrating through the entire depth of the skin, The Vitamin A transforms into a totally unique and remarkably efficient Anti-Aging action within the skin corresponding to a 10- 20 years rejuvenation.

19. Wheat Amino Acids is water binding by nature and capable of penetrating deeply in to the horny layer of the skin. By using this Wheat Amino Acid the moisture level is significantly elevated without any sticky residue.

21. Tocopherol is another source of Vitamin E that plays an important role by protecting both the skin and the products against harmful free radicals and functions as a natural moisturizer and capable of reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

23. Hydrolyzed Collagen Hydrolyzed Collagen and Sodium Hyaluronate is a mixture of ingredients that together build an invisible shield of moisture binding barrier on the surface of the skin, to enable the skin to maintain its elevated level of moisture within the epidermis.

28. Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Juice Powder is a natural vegetal raw material that functions as a natural humectant, and is well known for its soothing and healing properties.

30. Sodium Hyaluronate and Hydrolyzed Collagen is a mixture of to ingredients that together build an invisible shield of moisture binding barrier on the surface of the skin, to enable the skin to maintain its elevated level of moisture within the epidermis.

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Vislabākais acu krēms

Lietoju šo acu krēmu jau gadiem. Neko labāku neesmu atradusi. Man ir jūtīga āda un šo krēmu varu lietot visapkārt acīm. Palīdz arī, ja acis ir apsārtušas un iekaisušas.

Pietiekami labi

BP kopšanas līdzekļus lietoju pirmo reizi. Iegādājos uzreiz: šo A-vitamīnu acu krēmu (ko lietoju vakaros) un Puffy Eyes Gel (lietoju no rītiem). Mērķis - novērst/mazināt tumšos lokus un pietūkumu (maisiņus) zem acīm. Tā kā šī man tomēr ir ģenētiska kaite, lokus un maisiņus šie līdzekļi likvidēt nevar, taču tagad, 2 mēnešus kopš regulāri lietoju A-vitamīnu acu krēmu, āda zem acīm tapa gaišāka, izlīdzināta, novēršot grumbiņas. Iedota struktūra - ādiņa tapa blīvāka (biezāka), elastīga, vienmēr labi mitrināta. Kopumā skats ir daudz svaigāks, dzīvāks, jauneklīgāks. Uzliekot grimu, nepilnības daudz vieglāk un lielākā mērā nomaskējas - tas ir īpaši patīkami. Rezultāts ir! Man patīk lietot šo acu krēmu. Tas viegli klājas, labi uzsūcas, ir patīkams un viegls uz ādas, nekairina, netraucē, nekož, nav taukains. Ļoti ekonomisks lietošanā. Esmu apmierināta ar šo pirkumu un finansiālo ieguldījumu.

Baiba L.

Testēju putas un toniku sausai ādai,biju pārsteigta,cik niecīgs daudzums nepieciešams,lai attīrītu seju ar putām un toniku,ļoti labi sagatavo ādu pirms krema uzlikšanas.


Ļoti labi iesūcas ādā, patīkami mīkstina to.

Svetlana R.

Ļoti labi krēmi.

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